Zoek op thema en training
Opleiding Middle Management A Middle Management A - Course Opleiding Middle Management B Opleiding Middle Management C Cursus Starten met leidinggeven Training Praktisch leidinggeven op de werkvloer Practical Management on the workfloor Training Praktisch leidinggeven op de werkvloer, het vervolg Training De effectieve teamleider Training DISC en leiderschap Training Leidinggeven op afstand Training Authentiek leiderschap Training Leidinggeven aan professionals Training Coachend leidinggeven Training Omgaan met cultuurverschillen Training Omgaan met generatieverschillen Training Commercieel aansturen van je team Incompany Middle Management Development traject op maat Training Verandermanagement Cursus Financieel inzicht voor niet-financiële managers Coaching leadership course Cursus Starten met zakelijk tekenen Opleiding Human Resource Management A Opleiding Human Resource Management B Cursus Arbeidsrecht, arbeidscontract en ontslag Training DISC voor HR DISC certificeringstraining Training Onboarding Training Recruitment Training Verzuimmanagement Training Beoordelings- en functioneringsgesprekken Cursus Vertrouwenspersoon basismodule Cursus Duurzame inzetbaarheid en vitaliteit binnen de organisatie Cursus Praktisch personeelsmanagement Training Impactvolle gesprekken voeren Training Praktisch P&O voor de winkelmanager Cursus Praktisch reorganiseren Incompany training Verzuimgesprekken, tactiek en vaardigheden Workshop Inzicht in gedrag Training Effectief leidinggeven aan de OR Incompany training Teambuilding met DISC
10 / 10
17 april 2024
Rui Esteves
Practical Management on the workfloor
This training is really helpful for leaders that just start the function, essential actually.
10 / 10
17 april 2024
Indira Santos
Practical Management on the workfloor
The trainer had very good contact with us, everyone was different and she managed all diferent situations. Was very fullfiling and I could learn a...
10 / 10
29 november 2022
Sylwia Szacha-Gluchowicz
Practical Management on the workfloor
I highly recommend! very friendly atmosphere, teacher full of vigor. no one was bored, and what's more, we all worked with enthusiasm. He passed on...
9 / 10
29 november 2022
Alexander Kelly
Practical Management on the workfloor
Informative for new managers.
10 / 10
23 november 2022
George Spyrou
Practical Management on the workfloor
It was a very interesting training that made me feel more comfortable & secure using management skills to my employees and to my colleagues. Unlock...
10 / 10
18 november 2022
Joshua Kamara
Practical Management on the workfloor
Je leert veel over jezelf.
10 / 10
17 november 2022
Sabina Paszek
Practical Management on the workfloor
Training was really interesting. I was afraid to spend this hours listening inky theory but was totally other way around. We had some activities, lot...
8 / 10
16 november 2022
Gabriella Bezuijen
Practical Management on the workfloor
Receiving a lot of good tools for practical management with good examples.
10 / 10
14 november 2022
Aleksandra van Hoeven
Practical Management on the workfloor
The trainer was great. He built good atmosphere in the group. I felt supported, heard and encouraged to express my thoughts and opinions. Everything that...